Hello my family.
This week was so weird. And it all
started with a dog bite. Don't worry, the dog didn't actually break through my
skin, but on Tuesday my companions and I were walking down the street
contacting this lady and all of a sudden this freaky dog jumps through the gate
in his house and snaps at my hand. I naturally screamed, and I think I freaked
out the lady we were contacting, but it's all good. It left a good bruise but I
think I'll live.
We were scheduled to go to
Cuernavaca on Wednesday for our visas. I had been scheduled about 3 times
before and each time the trip was cancelled for one reason or another. I was
sure we would be going, but I called the secretary, Elder Jensen, and he was
like, 'You are going to hate me...but you actually can't come in
tomorrow." He knows I don't love it when they change travel plans last
minute. He said something like, "President said there will be a few
changes happening and that no one can come into the offices tomorrow. But
you'll understand soon." I was a little suspicious at that point but tried
not to worry about it.
So when I was in Cuernavaca with
Hna. Skonnard a few weeks ago, we were talking to President and I mentioned
that we were thinking of investing in a Sam's club membership since there is
one in my area in Iguala. I was like, "President, can you just tell me if
I will be staying in my area for a while because we need to know if it is worth
it!" He just smiled and changed the subject.
Ok, so on Wednesday I was in a
lesson and we got a call from President. I answered and he said, "Hna.
Durham, I have a really important question for you." I am
thinking...uhhhhh.... and he says, "Did you buy the Sam's card with your
companion?" I told him no and he said that that was a wise choice because
I would not be in my area on Monday. He told me that I would be a new Sister
Training Leader in a different area. I will be honest, I didn't know what to
say! Thank you? haha Well, I did tell him thank you and that I was really
excited! He told me that my companion would be Hna. Corriveau, and I got even
more excited because she is awesome. She is from my generation and was actually
the first person that I met at the MTC. She sat next to me on the bus to the
west campus and I thought she was really cool. She is 22 and from Illinois and
was studying at BYU before the mission. I went back to the lesson and when we
finished, I told Hna. Skonnard (we were on divisions) and she was super excited,
but also really sad because I would be leaving her. We met back up with Hna.
Garcia and I told her the news and that she would be finishing the training of
Hna. Skonnard. She was a little worried since she just finished her training
herself, but she will be awesome!
Well, I thought I had until Sunday
to pack and say goodbye to everyone in Iguala, but they called me later that
night on Wednesday and told me that I would be going the NEXT DAY and that I
needed to bring all my stuff because the companion of Hna. Corriveau was ending
her mission and we had a training meeting on Friday. I was so sad because I
wouldn't have time to say goodbye to everyone. I called a few members to say
goodbye, and they ended up coming to the bus station to say goodbye to
I packed up Thursday, and it was
hard to say goodbye to the lady we lived with. We actually ate with her that
day so it was perfect. I love her and her family and I will miss them so much.
Hna. Dany and Hna. Dessy (the twins that always go out on visits with us) came
and brought me some cards and presents. It was so cute. Hna. Josefina and Hna.
Bringas both came, too. I love IGUALA! I will miss everyone there. We had
thought that both of my companions would be coming to Cuernavaca with me
because Hna. Garcia had a training meeting for new trainers and we figured that
she would need to have a companion on the way home, so Hna. Skonnard had packed
her bags, but at the last minute she didn't have a ticket, and they told us
that she would be staying with another companionship. She literally looked at
me and burst into tears and gave me a big hug. She thought she had one more day
with me at least, but she was ripped away from me. It was crazy, but it will
all be fine.
On Friday, I went to a training
meeting with all of the leaders in the mission. I met Hna. Corriveau and she
was so relieved to finally know who her companion was going to be! She is
seriously so cool and I am so excited to be with her. Our meeting was AWESOME.
I learned so much. President taught us about the priesthood and we were
asking so many questions and I wrote down so many notes!
Saturday, we got to our area and
then headed back to the offices to take Hna. Lopez (Hna. Corriveau's old
companion) since she is ending her mission. It is so crazy to think that in 4
months that will be us. We said our goodbyes and then headed back to the area
again. We worked for a little bit and then went to the women's conference which
was good!
My area here is awesome. It is HUGE
and more rural then my other areas, but it is an area of miracles. We have
already seen so many miracles and I love this ward already. Of course, there
will be challenges, but Hna. Corriveau and I are so excited to work here. On
Sunday we had 8 people in church and we found a bunch of new people to teach! I
would write about our investigators but I don't really know them yet. We will
get there.
I am super excited for this new
responsibility that I have been given. I know that I will end up learning so
much from the other sisters. I am hoping Hna. Corriveau and I will just end our
missions together here.
I love this gospel and truly love
that we are guided by continuing revelation. I was thinking about it the other
night. It was so perfect that I was here in this mission at this time, that I
have the mission president that I have and the companions that I have had and
have now. I know the Lord is guiding my life and if I pay attention to the
impressions of the spirit, I will never go astray.
I love the church. I know it is
true. I am SO excited for conference and to receive more guidance and inspiration.
I hope you all watch it!
Love you!!!
Love, Hermana Durham
From DurPIG comes DurHAM. This is Peppa. I love my area.
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