Changes. WIth a few miracles here and there.
I don't know if I will have sufficient time to write everything I want to...but I will do my best.
this last week in Iguala was so great. We sent a list around in Relief
Society to see what sisters were willing to accompany us during the week
and we had a bunch of sisters sign up that never have come out with us
before. We were super excited. On Wednesday we did divisions and I went
with one sister (Susanna) and Hna. Hernandez went with another in order
to meet with more people. It was fun to be with Hna. Susanna. I have to
tell you all, members in lessons are so powerful. Your testimonies help
the investigators and also the missionaries. I love hearing the
conversion stories of the members and it is something different than my
own voice or my companions.
After our divisons were over, the sister that went
with Hna. Hernandez, Hna. Eliadora, had a little more time to go out
with us. I asked her about her granddaughter because I heard that she
brought a friend to EFY the week before. She was like 'Oh yeah, I'll
take you by her house and introduce you to her mom!' Sweet! We went by
her house and the mom, Marilu, told us she didn't have much time but
Hna. Eliadora was super awesome told her that we wouldn't take much of
her time and was practically walking in her door haha. She agreed and we
taught her and her daughter and they both accepted fecha for baptism.
She also has a husband and three other kids that could be baptized, too!
FAMILY!! During the lesson, though, Hna. Eliadora was super great and
helped explain things from the perspective of a member. Marilu was
saying that maybe she will just come to church alone because her kids
are really irreverent and Hna. Eliadora was like 'My grandkids are all
like that but I take them to church anyway because they need to be
there! Bring your kids!!!' It was so awesome. She also offered to pass
by for her and go with them to church on Sunday. Magic.
We saw many other miracles like that this week
because we had members with us. We would not have been able to find
certain people without them. I was so pumped and really feeling a change
in the mentality in the ward about missionary work. I love Iguala so
much. We really found so many awesome people this week.
And then...Friday night happened. We were heading to
visit a family in the ward when we got a call from our District Leader,
Elder Gonzaga. It's not unusual to get calls from him with annoucements
or questions so I wasn't expecting anything more than that. He told us
to put the phone on speaker and said that he was going to miss us. We
ask him if he was leaving early this week (he only has like 3 weeks
left in the mission) and he was like 'No, I am going to miss you two
together because you have special changes!' I thought he was joking and
didn't believe him but then I realized that he was serious and that I
would be the one leaving. I got changed to Cuernavaca and would be with
Hna. Ward from Pennsylvania. I started to cry a little thinking about
all the people that I woulnd't be able to say goodbye to. This is the
worst part of the mission...having to say goodbye or not being able to
say goodbye to people you love so much. We also had so many
investigators that were really starting to make progress and I was so
sad to leave. But that's the life of a missionary. We passed by the
mission leaders house to say bye and take a picture. Love this family. I
look horrible in the picture because it was after a day that was
really hot and I got a little sunburned but it's all good. Their son
who is 9 kept running around finding things to give me so that I would
remember him. He even ripped a page out of his journal to give to me.
haha. I will miss that family for sure.
I went home and packed up all my stuff. I had to be
at the bus station at 7 the next morning to head to Cuernavaca. Hna.
Hernandez and I had our last meal together...Tacos de Barbacoa...outside
the offices waiting for the other sisters to arrive. My new companion,
Sister Ward got to the offices and I asked her...'So how is our new
area?!?! Do we have investigators?' and she was like...'I don't know. I
thought you were here before. I just came in from Chilpancingo.'
Um...what?! Apparently both the sisters that were in this area were
changed and we are both BRAND NEW. The sister training leaders were
telling us...that we don't live in the area that we work in and that
it's really far from where we live. They were trying to act positive but
I could tell they were thinking 'I'm glad I'm not you...' you know what
I mean?
But here started the miracles.
we had 4 huge suitcases and we didn't know how we were going to get to
the apartment. Right at the moment when we were waiting for a taxi, a
member from our ward pulled up in a truck because he was going to take
something from the office to another apartment of missionaries and he
said that he could bring our suitcases to our house for us. Miracle #1.
The sister training leaders came with us to show us where we live. As
we were walking in the house they said 'there is a slight problem with
your don't have water right now.' Oh yeah...just a
slight problem. No big deal. WHAT?! Apparently the water in the morning
doesn't exist so we have to fill up buckets of water in the night in
order to shower and clean. Also, the sisters that lived their before us
were super nice and left us a mountain of dirty dishes and other lovely
things. I was feeling a little...well...tired, hungry, overwhelmed and
slightly annoyed. Luckily there is another pair of sisters in the ward
that live really close by us and one of the sisters was actually in this
area at the beginning of her mission so she knows how to get to our
area and everything. Miracle #2. Also, we were eating at the same house for la comida that day and they could show us where it was. Miracle #3.
ALSO, all of their appointments fell through and they had time to show
us how to get to our area and introduce us to a few members that could
help us. Miracle #4. After the comida, we went to met a sister
that is about to leave on her mission and she knows where our
investigators live and a few other people. Our investigators weren't
home but we figured out where they live. They actually signed up to feed
us on Sunday and the sister told us that they come to church on their
own. Miracle #5. After an overwhelming day, we got back to our
apartment RIGHT when it started raining. I didn't know how the keys to
the door worked so we got a little soaking wet but we just laughed about
it and started to plan for the next day. The Hno. brought our bags with
his wife and helped us bring them up to our apartment. They told us
that if we need anything, they live close and they are happy to help us.
They told us we are like their kids and to not hesitate for any reason.
I hadn't cried the whole day but in that moment I was so overwhelmed
with so many emotions...but mostly gratitude that I started to cry a
little. I gave the sister a hug and resolved in my heart to always help
the missionaries when I am a normal member again.

That night we filled up buckets of water and washed
the dishes and got ready for the bed. The next morning I had my first
shower with a bucket and it wasn't that bad. We warmed up the water on
the stove so it wasn't cold and yeah. No big deal. We were on the way to
church and a member saw us and gave us a ride the rest of the way. Miracle #6.
We got to the church and met some of the members and our investigators
showed up! I think sacrament meeting was probably one of the best that I
have had in the mission and I was really really encouraged. I bore my
testimony with my companion so that everyone knew we were new and needed
help! haha...After church another member gave us a ride to the food
appointment so we didn't have to take the bus or pay for a taxi. Miracle #7.
We got to know our investigators more. They are a family and are super
great. They have come to church on their own for the last 4 weeks and
are really progressing.
The last two days have felt like a week but I have
really been able to see the Lord's hand in all of this. Honestly, I
would have freaked out if I was in this situation 3 months ago, but I am
actually excited to be totally new in the area with my companion
because we can talk to EVERYONE and turn the work around here. My
companion is awesome, too. Miracle #8. We have a LOT of
work...mostly just getting to know our area and how to work the bus
system, but I am confident that we can handle it. But...I will ask for
your prayers because, well...we could use them.
Man, I can't tell you how much I love this gospel
and missionary work. I finished the Book of Mormon today, after 65 days
of reading 10 pages a day, and I felt sad that it ended. I LOVE that
Book with all of my heart. I know that when we read it, we learn how we
need to live and what we need to change in our lives to receive the
blessings of the Lord. I also know that the Lord is so aware of our
situations and he puts people in our paths to help us. He never gives us
a commandment without preparing a way for us to achieve it. There were
so many other little miracles that happened in the past few days that
would seem insignificant to any other person, but to me it reaffirms
that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and cares about even the
little details. It's amazing, really.
If you finished reading this whole email, go reward yourself with a piece of chocolate in my honor.
I love you all. THANK YOU for the prayers and thoughts. It really means the world to me.