HELLO!! I made it another week...and it feels like I've been here a month! Welcome to the MTC.
First off...a BIG SHOUT OUT TO MY OLD(est) BROTHER BEN! Happy birthday on Monday.
I thought about you all day! I will leave off your age since this will
be published on the internet. That's your birthday present from me.
You're welcome! :) Also, check your mail because I sent you a card.
ALSO...did I read mom's letter right? Easton has a
PERMIT?! Where has time gone? It seems like yesterday he was this little
butter-ball-4-year-old chasing trains and ice cream trucks. STOP
GROWING SO FAST! But seriously, be safe out there on the road. And
Anyway, back to packages. THANK YOU! It pays to #1
have lots of sisters!!!!! YAY! and #2 be an old missionary because all
your friends have already served missions so they are home to write you
letters. Also, one of the biggest surprises was a package from my dear
friends at the Testing Center!! I got a letter written on a red bubble
sheet. Not too many missionaries can say that. I LOVE THE TC! I loved
all the Valentine's from my nieces and sisters! Also, I got Grandma's
chocolate bundt cake hand delivered by Uncle Tom. It was enjoyed by all!
Then I got home that night and found a package on my kitchen table from
Katie and her family! I'm one lucky Hermana.THANK YOU! I love my
friends and family.
Mom-I did see Annamarie Hoer. I forgot in my last email to mention that I saw her at the first Sunday devotional and she was leaving the next day for CO! It was fun to see her.
Something I've been working on is
patience...especially with myself. I really appreciate the emails and
letters I"ve received from my family and friends about being patient
with learning Spanish. Everyday I feel like I need to be fluent and
everyday I have to remind myself that I won't be...it'll come little by
little. Poco a poco. :)
Oh, I got called at the Sister Training Leader in my zone. The other STL left this Monday.
The only sisters in our zone right now are my comps and me so that's
nice for now. I hope we get some more sisters next week...we won't get
any this week! Basically I have a few more meetings I need to go to on Sunday and make sure that the sisters in my zone are taken care of.
We met our second teacher this week. He was and
still is our "investigator" Fernando...but his real name is Hermano
Zenger. There are SO many great teachers at the MTC. I met one-on-one
yesterday with a resource teacher to help me with setting spanish goals.
Hmo. Zenger is an AWESOME teacher. He and Hma. Vawdrey really want to
help us become the best missionaries possible. I'm grateful for them.
Please keep writing! Use dearelder if you can because I onlyl check email on Wednesday!
Also, Mom, I used the Dora stickers for Valentines so I may need some
more. Stickers are the best! Thank you. And I loved the recipe book!
Awesome!! "Como se dice YUMMY en espanol?" Haha. So great.
Love you all so much!
Con MUCHO amor,
Hermana Kylie.
Me and my comps on our way to get our visas last week
Me on the train to SLC reppin' the BOM
My district on V-Day. Selfie to the extreme.
My whole zone before the district with the other Hermanas left. They were super awesome and I'm going to miss them!
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